Trusted Sources

We've all thought about asking friends who have traveled to your next destination "Where should I go for dinner?" or "What's the hottest new patio?"

Solution: Type in your destination and boom - read all the rankings, reviews, and photos from the trusted people you follow. There never has been an easier way to get recommendations and reviews for your passions in your life.

Searching for the next Netflix show, movie, or song functions the same way. Reviews and rankings from the people you trust most will be returned at the top of the search results.


Tutorial Videos

Check them all out here - new ones will be posted weekly.

Compatibility Indexes

How do you compare with your best friends music taste? A proprietary comparison scoring system has been developed at TrueRank which will tell you exactly that!

For your 'Top 100 Songs', 'Top 100 Movies', 'Top 100 Restaurants' you can see your score with all of your friends.

Look for this scoring needle icon beside all the lists that qualify.


It's nice to be rewarded for keeping valued lists. Each time a Follower takes an item from your list your Snag count will increase by the number of items they took. Similarly, if you take an item from a friends list to include in your list then they will be rewarded with a Snag! It's a fun way of measuring which lists are valued by your peers.

Your Snag count is available as a total of all lists, as seen on your profile page (top pic) - as well as by each individual list (bottom & middle pics).

Notifications - when somebody you Follow snags an item from one of your lists you will be notified which friend did it and what item.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  Is TrueRank free to use?
A:  Absolutely it is.

Q:  How do I make a list?
A:  Use the red 'plus' button on the lower tab bar of the app. You can then select which category you'd like to make the list in or even create your own custom category. We do not want to limit you from ranking anything you chose.

Q:  Why can't I delete any of the lists; Top 100 Songs, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 Restaurants?
A:  These are very special Compatibility Index lists which everybody has. The more items you add (up to 100) the more accurate your comparison scores will be to your friends who also complete these lists.

Q:  Can I see all the Compatibility Index scores for all the people I follow at the same time?
A:  Yes you sure can. Click your profile icon in the lower right, then go into your Following list (tap 'Following') and then choose at the top in red bubbles which scoring index you'd like to see all the scores for.

Q:  The Username I always use isn't available or I can't find any person using it but the app replies that it is in use/taken, what can I do?
A:  If you feel that a Username is being squatted upon, misrepresenting a commonly known person, business or institution, infringing on a trademark, or is potentially offensive or offside; please contact us to present your case and perhaps gain rightful access that Username or we find merit to alter that Username.

iOS app Download

TrueRank is available in the App Store by clicking here.
Enjoy ranking and discovering new passions today.